<p>I've been asked many times to publish the recipes I cook for my friends. So here it is the recipe blog in English. </p>
<p>Eating is a pleasure of life. Comfort food is the best. They feed your body and soul.</p>
<p>Please visit my other blogs:</p>
<p>În Română:</p>
<li>Eu Merit, Tu Meriți - https://eumerit.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Rețete Îndrăznețe - https://reteteindraznete.blogspot.com</li>
<li>O Viață în Cuvinte - https://povesteaisabellei.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Cere și ți se va da - https://ceresiveiprimi.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Despărțirile dor - https://cumsauitipecineva.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Rețete din Moși Strămoși - https://retetestravechi.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Aperitive Calde & Reci - https://aperitivesimple.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Rețete Pentru Trup & Suflet - https://retetetrupsisuflet.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Rețete Super Rapide - sub 30 min - https://retetesub30deminute.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Scriitor & Poet Cristina G. - Pagina Oficială - https://scriitorcristinag.blogspot.com</li>
<p> </p>
<p>În engleză:</p>
<li>Author Cristina G. - Official Page - https://authorcristinag.blogspot.com</li>
<li>While I Breathe, I Hope - https://iliveisuffer.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Recipes for Body & Soul - https://comfortfood4you.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Half my Age Plus Seven - https://halfmyageplusseven.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Authors & Book Promotions - https://authorsforlife.blogspot.com</li>
<li>Books by Cristina G.- https://booksbycristinag.blogspot.com</li>
<p> </p>
<p>În italiană:</p>
<p>1. Il Mondo degli Scrittori, Poeti & Autori che Contano - https://scrivoepubblico.blogspot.com</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Read my books on Amazon and Goodreads. </p>
<p>In English<br> <br> Novels & Short and not-so-short funny & tragic stories</p>
<li>Half my Age plus Seven - A Sinful Confession</li>
<li>Half my Age plus Seven - Too Good to be True</li>
<li>God is Weary </li>
<p> </p>
<p>Biographies, Self-Help –True to Fact Stories – Inspirational and Motivational Books</p>
<li>Oranges at Christmas in a Communist Country - 2nd Edition</li>
<li>Ten Years in Italy, Thee Weeks a Human (Three Weeks in Asiago) + 3 Weeks in Asiago</li>
<li>Humans Cursed by Geography </li>
<li>Childless: How to Cope with Endometriosis & Vulvodynia - Holistic Approach</li>
<li>Racism Without Racists</li>
<li>Author for Life or for a Living? - Manifesto for Real Writers </li>
<li>It's Never Game Over - An Informal Self-Help publication</li>
<p> </p>
<p>In Romanian</p>
<p>These books were published on CreateSpace only in paperback version because Amazon doesn’t support books in my language. Yet.</p>
<li>Îmi Curg Mucii Deci Exist </li>
<li>41 de Rețete Dulci și Sărate de Sarbatori</li>
<li>41 de Rețete Practice și Simple de Borșuri</li>
<li>41 de Rețete Dulci și Sărate de Post</li>
<p> </p>
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