Katy, Pãtru, cum vreti voi.
Cake day: 10th of July.
Once upon a time there was a taco who decided to get with a burrito. Before they had a chance to do anything, 2 purple aliens came and zapped them up into their cheese spaceship thingy. Then this giant chicken came and ate them up thus laying the egg that i came from. Any questions?
Cake day: 10th of July.
Once upon a time there was a taco who decided to get with a burrito. Before they had a chance to do anything, 2 purple aliens came and zapped them up into their cheese spaceship thingy. Then this giant chicken came and ate them up thus laying the egg that i came from. Any questions?
- PESUBNORIDEPATRUNJEL.BLOGSPOT.COMUnderneath it all.Nu e în puterea mea Să spun ce-i frumuseţea Dar ştiu un lucru foarte sigur Că ce-i frumos nu vine singur. Are-o umbră ce ascunde S...Autentifică-te pentru a interacționa cu conținutul!
- PESUBNORIDEPATRUNJEL.BLOGSPOT.COMProşti ce s-au iubit.Cum să îţi pese de mă pierzi Când tu n-ai timp nici de-un sărut? Numai pe mine nu mă vezi. Oare vreodată m-ai văzut? ...
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